
At Bedrock, KidsRock!

Our children's ministry, KidsRock, exists to provide discipleship for children, and to equip parents in their God-given role as disciple-makers.

Welcome to

So, What is KidsRock?

Our conviction is that God has commissioned parents to play a unique discipling role in the lives of their children. For this reason, our goal is to come alongside parents and equip them in the discipleship process. We do this in many ways, but especially through teaching gospel centered lessons that focus on the entire narrative of scripture. We also make a special effort to ensure that lessons taught in KidsRock translate to conversations and discipleship opportunities in the home.

Baby / Toddler Packing List

We want to set you up for success, so here are some suggested packing items to make your child's visit more pleasant:

  • A Small Labeled Diaper Bag
  • Prepared Milk Bottle, if Needed
  • Sippy Cups
  • Extra Diapers (disposable diapers are preferred)
  • Pacifier
  • Change of Clothes
  • Wipes

For all loose items (pacifiers, bottles, sippy cups, etc), please label with your child's first and last name

Rules & Policies

Just a few things you need to be aware of:

  • Medication: No medications will be dispensed by volunteers. Parents will dispense all medications. Please inform the Room Leaders of any medical or security needs upon check-in.
  • Sickness: Children with the following symptoms in the 24 hours prior to service time should not attend KidsRock until symptoms have passed:
    - Vomiting or Diarrhea
    - Green or Cloudy Runny Nose
    - Inflamed Throat or Mouth
    - Fever
    - Runny Eyes
    - Croup, Coughing, Sneezing
    - Symptoms of Common Childhood Diseases (scarlet fever, mumps, chicken pox, measles, etc.)
    - Skin Infections (boils, ringworm, impetigo, staph, etc.)
  • Security: We adhere to a "2-level" leader system, ensuring your child will never be alone with a KidsRock leader. We also have a Security team on the premises, ensuring safety for your children.
  • Secure Check-In & Check-Out: During check-in of your child, you will receive a sticker for each of your children (which they must wear in a visible area) and you will also receive a smaller "parent tag". In order to pick up your child, you (or whomever you designate) must present your tag to the KidsRock room leader.  
  • Misbehavior & Discipline: The KidsRock team follows a 3-strike system. The first is a reminder/warning to the child. Further infractions will lead to strike two - the child will have to sit out and talk to one of the room leaders. If the poor behavior continues, the child will have to join their parent in the service

Planning a Visit?

We would love to meet you and your family this weekend at Bedrock! Feel free to take advantage of our pre-registration to speed up your check-in process on Sunday morning. We want to make sure your experience with us is as smooth as possible!

Pre-Register Your Family