Frequently Asked Questions

You've got questions, we've got answers.

Why do you meet in a YMCA?

We are honored that the Lord opened the door for us to worship at the Y! Besides the obvious answer, “God led us here”, we enjoy meeting in a place where the community already gathers throughout the week. There are some who have heard the Gospel at Bedrock on a Sunday because they “saw the sign” when they were coming to the Y on a Wednesday. The partnership agreement that we have with the YMCA also allows us to spend less money on “venue” and more on "vision" to create a culture and continue a legacy of the grace and hope that is found in Jesus for decades to come.

What should I wear?

Wear whatever you feel comfortable in! You will see everything at Bedrock from shorts and tee shirts to dresses and ties. Most of our members and attendees tend to dress pretty casually.

Why Don't You Have Adult Sunday School?

There are practical reasons that we do not have Sunday School (building constraints), but we also love the relationship, growth, and serving that happens as we get involved in each others' homes and lives in our small groups throughout the week.

How DO i join a Serving Team?

You can visit our Teams page or send us a quick email to get details about our serving teams. We’d love to help you find a team at Bedrock with whom you can worship the Lord by serving. You can also check out our Service Teams page in ChurchCenter

How DO i Join a Small Group?

You can visit our Community page or send us a quick email to get details about our small groups. You can also check out our Small Groups page in ChurchCenter.

Do you have membership?

There is no mention of "membership" in the Bible, however we do believe there is value in knowing who is committed to the mission and vision of Bedrock.

Membership at Bedrock is an annually renewed covenant.

Check the Events page for our next Family Membership Dinner where we will discuss our past, present, and future, and explain what it looks like to join in covenant membership at Bedrock.

If I give money, where does it go?

Unless specified, all donations go to our general budget. We desire to faithfully steward every dollar that we receive to advance the Kingdom of God as we carry out the vision of Bedrock. If you have any questions about our general budget or ministry investment plan, send us an email.