Why we exist

Mission & Vision

God's mission and vision for Bedrock Lynchburg.

Create A Culture

Continue A Legacy

Bedrock Lynchburg exists to Create a Culture that is rooted in the truths found in the Word of God and Continue a Legacy of lives changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


For some, culture is something to be enjoyed or consumed; for others, it is something to be critiqued or condemned. Throughout his ministry, Jesus perfectly modeled how to be a creator of culture rather than being a consumer or critic.

We desire to  be a church, not defined by age, race, nationality, finances, or education, but rather create a culture defined by the truth of Jesus Christ; a culture that fosters mindsets and attitudes that are rooted in the Word of God, from which new actions, ideas, and relationships grow.


Legacy is immeasurable.  It spirals down through centuries and millennia, with its impact only realized in eternity. Bedrock Lynchburg seeks to be a church not simply focused on the “us and now”, but “others and forever”.  

Whether it be through multiplying followers of Jesus, planting new churches, equipping families, or serving people, we desire to continue the legacy of lives changed by the extravagant grace of Jesus Christ.