
Help for the Hurting

Our Care ministries are here to help you find hope, healing, and belonging along your journey through life.

Care & Support Groups

Bedrock offers several care groups that are content-specific:

ID Groups are for individuals struggling with same-sex attraction.
Pain To Purpose offers a safe space for those processing grief, pain, and loss.
Conquer for men looking to conquer their struggle with pornography.
Financial Peace University helps couples or individuals learn to manage and steward their God-given financial resources.
Learn More about Groups

Care Portal

Care Portal exists to meet physical needs of the community - both within the church body, and in the city of Lynchburg - while establishing relationships to share the love of Christ.
Get Involved


Bedrock127 exists to provide structured, dedicated support to foster and adoptive families within Bedrock, and love children from difficult places.  The 127 is based off James 1:27 where we are called to visit the widows and orphans in their distress.  We also work to train the church on practical ways serve these families.
Learn More


Our premarital counseling team provides counsel to engaged couples to prepare them for marriage. The team use SYMBIS (Save Your Marriage Before It Starts) to evaluates key areas of relationship and overall compatibility. Couples are responsible for the cost of the SYMBIS assessment, and we ask that all premarital counseling requests be submitted at least 3 months before the wedding date.
Premarital Next Steps

New Mothers

This team desires to serve and love moms with new babies. We try to be aware of all expectant mothers in the church body, but feel free to let us know if you are expecting.
Expecting a New Arrival?


In addition to offering Financial Peace University several times throughout the year, Bedrock also has a member of the church who is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and a Certified Kingdom Advisor® willing to offer financial guidance to members of Bedrock Church Lynchburg.
Request Financial Guidance
Bedrock Care teams desire to minister to those in crisis but does not provide clinical mental health treatment or therapy.  For those needs, we offer community referral resources to connect the individual with the appropriate counsel.